Sunday, October 09, 2011

Pimping Sarah update...

Sarah Borges is making a new record and needs some fundraising help, so we are trying to arrange an in-house concert in the near future.  And the idea seems to have some life.  For example, famous rap artist, Rant On, pens:  "So why don't we get a bunch of us and get her to do a concert  at one of our homes. That would be a blast."

Interestingly, that very scenario may be in the works, Rant.   I pitched this last week to a friend, who is also a Sarah fan and  has a spacious house here in Southington.  She thought it was a fabulous idea,  but also knows another couple who has a barn/garage where they give parties that  would be even a better venue.  We are going to have dinner next week and  brainstorm it.  My thought is charge $50 a head, byob and a food dish.  Would be  like a night out for dinner, but with a great show.  What do you think?  I'll  keep you posted.

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