Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekend Chuck....

Not sure how this happened, but Jenny from THE Ohio State University submitted correctly that the one and (thankfully) only Neil Diamond was the answer to our Weekend Chuck. Congratulations, Buckeye Jenny, and expect a spiffy new sweatshirt (at right) from the college bookstore.

Here's the deal: My long lost golf/tennis partner has resurfaced! Chuck knows his music and wants to test you with these drawings. I know my vast audience (measured in the dozens) can do this. Respond in the comments section below (if it doesn't work for you, send your answer to and I will post it); the prizes for guessing right are extraordinary!

Yes, here's the man in his overblown glory...


Johnnyk said...

Wake up, all you sleepyheads!

Jenny from Columbus, OH (home of THE Ohio State University) said...

I know who he is! And he's the BEST! I love Neil Diamond!