Monday, June 17, 2013

Cannot trust that day...

Sorry, Phil, it's your destiny.  Or as George McFly would have said, "It's your density."

Played golf with the trivia god (and former lead singer/lyricist/bassist of the legendary Westie Punks) Gussy P, and the topic arose as to what was the very first album you ever bought:
I'm writing to apologize for my incorrectly identifying 'Jimi Hendrix' as my first album purchase. While showering this am, I remembered buying 'Flowers' by the Rolling Stones in the spring of my sophomore year. I believe 'Flowers' is now considered a compilation album, since it contained many previously released songs. The Hendrix purchase was my next album, but it may not be third as I bought Bill Cosby's 'I Started Out as a Child' in my freshman year. So that was actually my first albim purchase. Gus (I can't putt or make fouls shots)

Personally, I'm not sure exactly, but something like the Beach Boys' All Summer Long (1964)?  Brother Joe (BroJo?) says "I believe it was Neil Diamond's second album entitled "Just For You" which I still possess. Before that I believe we bought singles aka 45s."  I'm not so sure. Are you speaking of the family 'we'? Because I know we had plenty of pre-Beatles albums. Neil's wasn't that early, was it?  Wikipedia says 1967.

Who was your first (we promise not to tell)?

1 comment:

Born less than 100 years ago. said...

WTF? Why not just go back to Al Jolson.