Sunday, February 18, 2007

Daytona? Oh, just go down and take a left.....

Listening to Lucinda's new West after reading reviews that range wildly from love to hate.....Her latest lyrics are getting "America's best songwriter" in trouble with the purists, but I like the album very much.....a couple duds, but solid overall and has an attitude....the added strings give it a little different feel.....Lucinda must be one tough chick in the sack:

I'm so over you, you don't even have a clue, all you did was make me blue, you didn't even make me - come on!

You're so self-involved, you're in some kind of fog, you're hung up on your hog, you didn't even make me - come on!

You think you're in hot demand, but you don't know where to put your hand, let me tell you where you stand, you didn't even make me - come on!

(btw, one reviewer was right, Animals-like organ background. Also, the violin makes me think of Scarlett Rivera in Dylan's old band.) article on Lucinda

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